If you're like me, you sometimes have trouble remembering a book, even within weeks of reading it. I even have trouble remembering the books I've written! I have to reread them before writing a sequel--that's how bad it is.
Years ago, when I used to run a book club in my neighborhood, I created an online journal to help me keep track of the books I read. It really helps to be able to go back and reread my summaries and reviews. Over the years, I've managed to simplify this process--because who has time to write summaries and reviews?
I now keep my reading journal on my Google Drive. For each book, I copy and paste the blurb from Amazon and use my review templates to create a positive, negative, or mixed review.
I created a clean copy of my journal for you, so you can duplicate it and use it as your own. Be sure to make a copy of it, because the one I have here is only viewable--not editable. But after you make a copy of it, you can save it to your own Google Drive and use it as you wish.
Click on the links below to grab your free copy of my Online Reading Journal. It includes a reading log, review templates, and a journal template that you can simply fill in.
Or download this free printable:
If you're looking for something new to read, you might enjoy one of my books. I'm a USA Today bestselling author of over forty novels in multiple genres, including paranormal mysteries, thrillers, and young adult paranormal romance based on Greek mythology.
Shop my books here or by clicking on one of the series below.
I hope you found this useful. Btw, if you don't already own The Bookworm Bible--my fifty-page comprehensive guide for book lovers compiled from articles I've written over the years on topics such as "How to Overcome a Reading Slump" and "How to Write Easy Peasy Book Reviews" with free resources such as a printable reading log, review templates, and an online reading journal--grab your free copy here.