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Greek Names Pronunciation Guide
This Greek Names Pronunciation Guide was created to help you better pronounce the Greek mythology names you come across in my books. The guide was initially created by my audiobook narrator Debbie Andreen, and I have since added to it. I hope you find it useful.
​Achaeans ah KEY ens
Acheron AK ur on
Achilles Uh-KILL-eez
Acteon ak TEE un
Adjistis a JISS tis
Admetus ad MEE tus
Adrasteia uh DRAS tee uh
Aeneas ee NEE us
Aeolus EE eh les
Aiakos ay YA kos
Algaea al JEE ah
Alecto uh LEK toh
Algaia al GAY ah
Amphisbaena am fes BEE nah
Amphitrite am feh TRY tee
Anteros an TAIR os
Antiope an TY oh pee
Aphrodite a fro DIE tee
Apollo uh-PAUL-oh
Apotheosis ah pah thee OH sus
Arcas AR cuss
Ares AIR eez
Arges ARE jiz
Ariadne AIR ee AD nee
Arion AIR ee un
Aristaios AIR is TY ohs
Artemis AR tuh miss
Ascalaphus as CAL a fus
Asklepios as KLEEP ee us
Asphodel ASS fah dill
Asterion as TEER ee on
Athena a-THEE-nuh
Atlas AT luss
Atropos A (like cat) trah pahs
Augean aw JEE un
Baqlawa BOCK la va
Boracay BOR ah cay
Boreas BOR ee us
Bosporus BOSS pur us
Briareos bri AR ee os
Brontes BRAUN teez
Cerberus SER ber us
Charon KAIR en
Charybdis kur RIB dis
Chione KY uh nee
Chiron KEER on
Chrysaor CRY say or
Clotho CLOH thoh
Cocytus co KYE tus
Cronos CROH nus
Cubie KEW bee
Curetes cur RET eez
Cyclopes sy CLOH peez
Cybele SEH bul ee
Daedalus DAY dul lus
Deimos DEE mohs
Deity DEE ah tee
Delos DEE lahs
Demeter duh MEE ter
Dione dy OH nee
Dionysus die uh NYE sus
Echidna uh KID nuh
Eirene ee REE nee
Enyalios en YAY lee os
Enyo eh NY yo
Eos EE as
Erebus AIR ah bus
Eris AIR us
Eros EAR ohs
Eunomia you NO mee ah
Euphrosyne yew FRAHS sin nee
Eurydice yur RID ah see
Eurynome yur RIN ah mee
Gaia GUY ah
Galin GAY lin
Geryon GER yawn
Hades HAY deez
Harmonia har MO nee ah
Hecate HEH kah tee
Hecuba HEH kew bah
Helios HEEL lee ohs
Hephaestus heh FEST us
Hera HAIR uh
Heracles HAIR uh cleez
Heraklion her RACK lee on
Hermaphroditus her maa fro DYE tus
Hermes HER meez
Hesiod HEE see ud
Hesperides hes PER ah deez
Hestia HES tee ah
Hippolyta heh PAUL eh tah
Hydra HI druh
Hypnos HIP nos
Ida EYE duh
Iolaus eye oh LAY us
Kaveh Grahib kah veh graw HEEB
Ketamine KEY tah meen
Keto KEY tow
Kithairon KEY thair on
Knossos NAW ses
Lachesis LACK eh sis
Ladon LAY dun
Laodice lay ODD eh see
Lethe LEE thee
Leto LEE toh
Litohoro li TOE ho ro
Maenads MEE nahds
Matapan, Cape MAT (like cat) ah PAN
Marjorelle Gardens mah jah RELL
Medusa meh DOO suh
Megaera ma GEER ah
Melinoe MEL uh no
Metis may TEES or MEE tis
Minos MY nus
Minotaur MIN ah tor
Mytikas MIT uh kus
Nereids NEER ee ids
Oceanid oh SEE ah nid
Odysseus o DEE see us
Orpheus OR phee us
Palaistra pah LES trah
Pasithia pa SITH ee ah
Pelops PEE lops
Persephone per SEF fuh nee
Philotes fil LOW teez
Phlegethon FLEG eh thon
Phorcys FOR sis
Polyhymnia poly HIM nee ah
Polyphemus paul ah FEE mus
Poseidon puh SI duhn
Priam PRY um or PREE um
Prometheus pro MEE thee us
Rhadamanthys rah dah MAN this
Rhea REE ah or RAY uh
Rhode ROE dee
Satyrs SAY turs
Scylla SIL uh
Scythe SIGH th
Selene suh LEEN
Semele SEM uh lee
Sisyphus SIS a fuss
Steropes STAIR uh peez
Stymphalus STEM fa lus
Styx Stix
Tartarus TAR tah rus
Thalia thuh LY uh
Thanatos THAN uh tos
Theseus THEE soos or THEE see us
Thetis THEE tus
Thrace Thrays
Thyrsus THUR sus
Tiresias ty REE see us
Tisiphone tih SIPH oh nee
Tyche TY key
Uranus YUR en us
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